Saturday, January 31, 2015

1 Corinthians/That which shall not be named

In 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses the church of Corinth on several problems within the church, most notably their taking Paul’s words to the Galatians (a book on freedom) a little too seriously. Corinth at the time was a largely pagan society with many different gods and temples. A large number of these temples were devoted to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. The Christians of Corinth were still somewhat stuck in their old ways (The author will avoid going into detail). In 1 Corinthians, he (Paul) explains that Christ has given us liberty, but we are not to abuse that liberty in sinful ways. For example, we are not to abuse our bodies and “spread our wells” as Solomon put it.
In modern times, what could we apply this to? There are actually quite a few examples. Christians, sadly, don’t seem to understand that our bodies are not to be used lightly. Many have pre-marital sex, or at least think of it. Our society also consists of relationships forged through “dating”. These tend to end quickly in divorce and are mostly self-centered. This is probably not the original plan that God had for humanity. I believe it is better than pre-arranged marriage however, since you have the freedom to choose. But, overall, Paul wants us to know that we shouldn't be messing with sin. We should enjoy our new-found freedom in Christ, but we shouldn't abuse it.

That’s it for this blog. If you have comments put them blah blah blah etc. I may check on them later.

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