Monday, February 16, 2015


So, in Romans we see Paul writing to, well, Romans. More specifically, he is writing to Jewish and Gentile Christians in Rome. Paul’s reason to write Romans? It was mostly because of Jewish Christians messing up again. A church had finally been established in Rome, with Jews leading the group. However, the Jews had to leave for a while under persecution (Just like every other New Testament book). When they came back, they found the Romans running themselves, which meant they were running the church in a more “Roman” way. This was a problem with the Jews, who were used to THEIR traditions. Paul was addressing this issue in Romans. He explained to the Romans that they were free from the law of God, which they could not hope to live up to (Romans 2). But now that they were new creatures in Christ, they could act out on the law with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Romans was written 2,000 years ago, but the book (also like every book in the Bible) can be applied to the modern age. We are living in a society where freedom is used to describe porn, sex, drugs, swearing, and alcohol. But true freedom is found in God, where we can rest, and where we can serve him, willingly and lovingly. This might be hard for a non- believer, as the church normally doesn't look like this and most enjoy the way they live.

What some unbelievers do accept, however, is that we are not to judge each other. Of course, the way they use it is a misapplication of Scripture. They do not realize that all people judge, including themselves. Yet they say that only we are judges. While this can be true for a lot of Christians, a lot of other people groups can be the same way. Not judging other people is a harder task than most people think. But with Christ, the judging ends.

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1 comment:

  1. Great job. I found your thoughts on judging very interesting. I wanted you to also discuss how Paul presents the gospel in Romans. While this letter to the Romans is not an exhaustive work on Christian doctrine, it is the most systematic presentation of the Gospel. Paul wanted this to be the common ground that Jews and Gentiles could build upon.


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