Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tough Questions.

So who is Jesus? For many ages and years, many people have taken this question and tried to answer it. For many different religions and cults, Jesus could be many different things. He could be a great prophet. He could be the biggest heretic in history. He could even be a dinosaur-riding BOSS (Actually, ignore that last one).
But the question is only even more confusing for people who have never really heard in depth of who Jesus is. The problem is made even more confusing by the lingo we Christians use. They can ask questions like: “The Trinity?”, “I don’t get the roles of the three guys…”, “Is God more powerful than Jesus?” etc. And as Christians we are supposed to be able to answer these questions. In truth though, most of us haven’t spent that much time asking ourselves these questions and we don’t often have good answers.
When people ask though, I think I can give a few answers. “Who is more powerful, Jesus or God?” The answer is complicated, but here’s the gist of it: they are one and the same. They are part of the Trinity, which also includes the Holy Spirit. They all have a part to play, and they are all one God (Honestly, this is more confusing than the Zelda Timeline). So, neither is more powerful than the other. “How did he exist before Creation?” He has existed outside of time, far back and far into the future.

That’s all for this week. Feel free to leave any comments.

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